23rd Task Force on Measurement and Modelling Meeting
3-5 May 2022, online meeting
Welcome, update from the convention and EMEP centers
- Welcome and introduction
Augustin Colette and Oksana Tarasovaa, TFMM Chairs: INERIS, France / WMO
- Recent developments under the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution: Gothenburg Protocol review and other activities
Krzysztof Olendrzynski, UNECE
- UNECE’s Air Convention - Gothenburg Protocol Review
Laurence Rouil
- Forum for International Cooperation on Air Pollution
Anna Engleryd, CLRTAP Chair, Sweden; John Salter, United Kingdom
- Progress in EMEP/MSC-W activities 2021/2022
Hilde Fagerli, MSC-W/MET, Norway
- Update from EMEP-CCC, with focus on open data and FAIRness
Kjetil Tørseth, CCC/NILU, Norway
- New developments of heavy metal and POP pollution assessment
Ilia Ilyin, MSC-E, Russian Federation
Thematic session: General country and international organisation updates
Thematic session: Advances in modelling and monitoring techniques
- Evaluation and development of regional air quality modelling and data assimilation aspects -Highlights from CAMS-61 project
Renske Timmermans,, TNO, The Netherlands
- Modelling impacts of condensable organics 2005-2019: results of the NMR-RWC project
David Simpson, MSC-W/MET, Norway
- Determination of IVOC emissions and their impact on air quality
Florian Couvidat, INERIS, France
- CAMS Policy Service: Global/Regional Modelling of Prospective Air
Quality Scenarios
Augustin Collette, INERIS, France
Tomas Halenka, CUNI, Czech Republic
Thematic session: HM & POP modelling, including eurodelta-bap multi-model comparison
Thematic session: EMEP O3/VOC intensive measurement period (experimental design & modellers needs and expectations)
- EMEP intensive measurement period Summer 2022 and summer 2023
Wenche Aas, CCC/NILU, Norway
- DNPH VOC Sampling and Analysis in the EMEP Intensive Measurement Period 2022
Therese Salameh, IMT, France
- AQ Forecasting in support of EMEP IMP 2022
Michael Schulz, MCS-W/MET, Norway; Augustin Collette, INERIS, France
- Chemistry in Interacting Urban and Rural Air Masses
Christopher Cantrell, LISA, France
Thematic session: The 2020 COVID-19 lockdown as a natural experiment to assess policy effectiveness
Thematic session: Gothenburg protocol review: scales & trends
Wrap up
- Conclusion
Augustin Colette and Oksana Tarasovaa, TFMM Chairs: INERIS, France / WMO
Last updated: June 2022 by Anne Hjellbrekke