Monday 22th October -Back to back workshop on Uncertainty
Wilfried Winiwarter: Uncertainties in emission
Wenche Aas: Uncertainties in atmospheric
Richard Derwent: Uncertainties in atmospheric
Session 1 Ozone
Z.Klimont, J.Cofalat: Variability in
emission parameters of ozone precursors’ emissions in the GAINS model
Matthias Beekman: Modelling of ozone and precursors
Session 2 Particulate matter
Tinus Pulles: Particulate Emission
Inventory for Europe. How to establish the uncertainties?
Svetlana Tsyro: Evaluation of
uncertainties in primary PM emissions within the EMEP model
Jean-Philippe Putaud: About
comparability of measured and modeled metrics
Session 3 Heavy metals
Stefan Reis: Uncertainty
Assessment of HM Emission Inventories
Oleg Travnikov: Uncertainties of heavy metal
pollution assessment
Chris Dore: Uncertainties in the UK
Heavy Metal Emissions Inventory
Tuesday 23th October - TFMM
Wenche Aas: Lessons learnt from the
Leonor Tarrason: Initial learnings from the comparison of the
first EMEP intensive campaigns with EMEP model results
Eiko Nemitz: Real time measurements during the EMEP Measurement
Campaigns: results to date and future plans
Garry Hayman: NPL PM
Jan Matthijse: BOP, a research program on PM10
and PM2.5 in the Netherlands
Marina Frölich: Austrian contributions to EMEP
intensive measurement campaign 2008/09
Gerald Spindler: Some Experiences and results
from EMEP Intensive Measuring Campaigns at Melpitz site
Nathalie Poissone: French potential
involvement in the next EMEP IMP
Wenche Aas and Kjetil Tørseth.
EMEP monitoring strategy - beyond 2009,