Draft Agenda for the first Meeting of the Task Force on Measurement and Modelling

14:00 Opening
Welcome (Ministry of Environment)
Adoption of the Agenda (J. Schneider)
Organisation (J. Schneider)
14:20 The CLRTAP (ECE Secretariat)
14:30 Strategy for EMEP, Vision (O. Hov)
15:00 Overview of data collected over the lifetime of EMEP (A. Eliassen)
15:30 Role of TFMM (J. Miller)
Discussion of ToR
Information on Working Groups
Coffee break  
Scientific presentations
16:00 How have the emissions changed across Europe during the EMEP era? What is required from the measurements? A case study based on Mace Head (D. Derwent)
The role of mesoscale meteorological cycles in determining the transboundary fluxes of trace substances in the Mediterranean (M. Milan)
17:00 The characterization of the particulate matter load over Europe to determine its role in eutrophication, photooxidant formation and climate change (S. Slanina)
17:30 Adjourn


Monday 23rd October

Tuesday 24th October

  Plenary Session
9:00 Optimal interpolation with restrictions and its application to mapping the EMEP deposition (E. Genikhovitch)
9:30 Characterization of the chemical composition of aerosols at a rural and urban site in Eastern Austria – a case study (H. Puxbaum)
10:00 Formation of Working Groups Introduction of main topics of each of the Groups (NN; R. Gehrig)
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Working Groups
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Session of the Working Groups
16:00 Coffee break
17:30 End of session
19:30 Social event

Wednesday 25th October

9:00 Working Group Session
Plenary Session
10:00 Report of the Working Groups
Coffee Break  
11:30 Work Plan of TFMM (J. Schneider)
12:00 Report of the Meeting (J. Miller, ECE Secretariat)
13:00 End of plenary session
14:00 Special Session: Discussion of the Draft Manual for the measurement of heavy metals (Chair: M. Lesnjak)
16:00 Coffee Break
16:20 Continuation
17:30 End of Session