Registration |
14:00 |
Welcome (Ministry of Environment)
Adoption of the Agenda (J. Schneider)
Organisation (J. Schneider) |
14:20 |
The CLRTAP (ECE Secretariat) |
14:30 |
Strategy for EMEP, Vision (O.
Hov) |
15:00 |
Overview of data collected over the lifetime
of EMEP (A. Eliassen) |
15:30 |
Role of TFMM (J. Miller)
Discussion of ToR
Information on Working Groups |
Coffee break |
Scientific presentations |
16:00 |
How have the emissions changed across Europe
during the EMEP era? What is required from the measurements? A case
study based on Mace Head (D. Derwent) |
The role of mesoscale meteorological cycles
in determining the transboundary fluxes of trace substances in the
Mediterranean (M. Milan) |
17:00 |
The characterization of the particulate
matter load over Europe to determine its role in eutrophication, photooxidant
formation and climate change (S. Slanina) |
17:30 |
Adjourn |