Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the
Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe, EMEP
International University Menendez Pelayo (UIMP)
Plaza del Carmen 4, Palacio Pineda
Valencia, Spain
9-11 April 2003
Registration at UIMP 8.30 12.00
9.30 | Welcome and opening of meeting |
9.45 | Adoption of the agenda |
Monitoring strategy Part 1
10.00 | EMEP Monitoring Strategy and Measurement Programme 2004-2009 (download as word (690K) - pdf (918K) ) |
General introduction (Kjetil Tørseth) with discussion |
11.00 11.30 Coffee break
11.30 | Work in break out groups, focus on Chapters 7 and 8 |
13.00 14.30 Lunch break
Discussion of Technical
Reports by MSC-E, Part 1
Progress in the POP and Hg hemispheric modelling
14.30 | Progress in the POP and Hg hemispheric modelling (Victor Shatalov, EMEP/MSC-E ) |
Recent findings in the atmospheric chemistry of mercury (John Munthe, IVL) | |
Recent developments in mercury modelling (Gerhard Petersen, GRSS) |
EMEP Assessment report
15.30 | Overview of progress in drafting part 1, European perspective (Gun Lövblad, IVL) |
Discussion | |
16.30 | Status of part II of the EMEP Assessment Report (Jerzy Bartnicki and A. Eliassen, DNMI) |
17.00 | EMEP data series analysis (Marco Giannitrapani, University of Glasgow) |
17.30 | Poster session: Country reports for Assessment report including short oral overviews of posters (poster presenters) |
18.00 | Vino Espanol Reception at Poster Session hosted by CEAM and WMO |
Thursday 10.4.
Scientific and Technical Review of the EMEP Eulerian Model
9.00 | Performance of the Unified EMEP model over 20 years: consequences for the parametrisation of sulphur chemistry (Hilde Fagerli, DNMI) |
UNI-AERO, the research aerosol dymanic model for EMEP: model description and evaluation (Svetlana Tsyro, DNMI) | |
9.45 | Performance of other models: |
Evaluation of the MATCH model using EMEP Data (Joakim Langner, SMHI) | |
REM3 (Rainer Stern, Free University Berlin) | |
LOTOS model (Martin van Loom, TNO) | |
CHMIERE (Laurence Rouil, INERIS) | |
Model-3 (Ian Rodgers, INNOGY) |
11.00 11.30 Coffee break
11.30 | Discussion of the status and preparation for a workshop on the model review, based on paper to be distributed to participants upon registration |
12.30 16.00 Lunch break: Excursion to visit the Euphore/CEAM facilities in the Parque Tecnologico of Valencia, lunch in the Social Club of the Parque Tecnologico.
City Delta project
16.00 | Overview (Kees Cuvelier, JRC) |
16.30 | Danish work under CityDelta (Niels Heidam) |
Discussion |
Ozone pollution in the Mediterranean Region
17.00 | Ozone: Unified EMEP model performance and evaluation requirements - the example of in the Mediterranean region (Leonor Tarrason, MSC-W, for David Simpson and Jan Eiof Jonson) |
Observed ozone cycles and regional effects in the Mediterranean (Millan Millan, CEAM) | |
Discussion |
Friday 11.4.
Discussion of Technical Reports by MSC-E Part 2
Recent results of the Hg model intercomparison study (Phase II)
9.00 | Progress in the MSC-E HM model validation (Ilia Ilyin, Sergey Dutchak, EMEP/MSC-E) |
Results of intercomparison study of numerical models for long-range transport of Hg (Stage II) (Ilia Ilyin, EMEP/MSC-E ) |
Monitoring strategy Part 2
10.00 | Reports from Monitoring Strategy break-out sessions held on Wednesday |
11.00 | Further discussion on TFMM items: approving monitoring data reports, further work |
11.30 12.00 Coffee break
Meeting report
12.00 | Review of the draft conclusions and the outline of the report to the EMEP Steering Body |
14.00 | Closure of the meeting |