22nd Task Force on Measurement and Modelling Meeting
10-12 May 2021, online meeting
Welcome, update of the convention, emep centers, research infrastructures and international organisations
- Welcome, Agenda of the meeting, 2020-2021 Workplan
Augustin Colette and Oksana Tarasova (TFMM Chairs, INERIS, France / WMO, Switzerland)
- Licensing of EMEP observation data, analysis of 2020 Lockdown based on EMEP network
Kjetil Tørseth (CCC/NILU, Norway)
- Update on the construction of ACTRIS-ERIC and the joint ACTRIS-EMEP European strategies
Paolo Laj (CNRS, France)
- Progress in MSC-W activities 2020-2021
Hilde Fagerli (MSC-W/MET, Norway)
- General update of MSC-E work on HM/POP
Ilia Ilyin (MSC-E, RussianFederation)
- Updated from WMO relevant to TFMM
Oksana Tarasova (WMO, Switzerland)
Thematic session: studies related to residential emissions (condensables, eurodelta-carb, emep/colossal/actris imp, bap intercomparison)
Thematic session: advances in monitoring techniques
Thematic session: general country update
Thematic session: impact of Covid-19 2020 lockdown on european air quality
Thematic session: analyses of long-term trends and spatial scales for the contribution to the review of the amended gothenburg protocol
- High resolution exposure calculatons for Europe, Western Balkans and EECCA countries using EMEP and uEMEP
Bruce Rolstad Denby (MSC-W/MET, Norway)
- Co-beneficial Air quality and Climate mitigation
Hans-Christen Hansson (Stockholm University, Sweden)
- 2010-2020 Ozone variability and 2019--2020 measurements of VOCs-O3 precursors in Spain
Jordi Massage (IDAEA-CSIC, Spain)
- Historical and future air pollution exposure to air pollution in Europe
Camilla Andersson (SMHI, Sweden)
- Past and future trends in NOx and O3 in Spain
Marta Garcia Vivanco (CIEMAT, Spain)
- Relative changes in SOx, NOx and NH3 emissions 2005 - 2030 and their effects on secondary inorganic aerosols and nitrogen deposition
Jan Eiof Jonson (MSC-W/MET, Norway)
- Trends, composition, and sources of carbonaceous aerosol at the Birkenes
Observatory, Northern Europe, 2001-2018
Karl Espen Yttri (CCC/NILU, Norway)
- 2009-2018 trends on PM2.5-SOA in NE Spain as inferred from receptor source apportionment analysi
Xavier Querol (IDAEA-CSIC, Spain)
Last updated: September 2021 by Anne Hjellbrekke