Task Force on Measurements and Modelling

TFMM 5th Meeting

Hotel Praha
Prague, Czech Republic
Wednesday 31st March - Friday 2nd April 2004

Draft Agenda 29 March 2004

Wednesday 31st March
10:00 Welcome and opening of the meeting
10.15 Adoption of the agenda
Session I: Assessment report
10:30 Overview on the progress with the EMEP Assessment report (Anton Eliassen)
10:50 Main results from the European Assessment of trends in sulphur, nitrogen and photooxidant compounds (Gun Lövblad)
11:10 Main results from the European Assessment of trends in Heavy Metals and POPs (Ilia Ilyin)
11:30 - 12:00 Coffee break
Session II: Evaluation of the Unified EMEP Model (Oslo workshop)
12.00 Overview of the Oslo workshop report (Dick Derwent)
The Oslo workshop report (draft) (word)
12:20 To what extent can aerosol water explain the underestimation of modelled PM2.5 versus observations? (Svetlana Tsyro)
12:40 Empirical analysis of the contribution of SOA to total PM mass (Svetlana Tsyro)
13.00 Results from the TNO-EMEP intercomparison of regional models over Europe (Maarten van Loon)
13:20 - 13:30 Adoption of the report from the Oslo Workshop
13:30 - 14:30 Lunch
Session III: POPs and Heavy Metals
  Discussion of technical reports
14:30 "Persistent organic pollutants in the environment" (MSC-E Note No 4/2003)
15:00 "EMEP POP laboratory comparison 2000-2002" (EMEP/CCC-report 10/2003: pdf (5.2MB) - Word (0.8MB)
15:30 "POP model intercomparison study" (MSC-E draft report)
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 "Heavy metals: transboundary pollution of the environment" (No 5/2003)
17:00 "Progress in Hg modeling" (MSC-E Note No 1/2003)
  Planned Review of the MSC-E model
17:30 Overview of the Plans to Review the MSC-E model (Sergey Dutchak)
18:00 Close
Thursday 1 April
Session IV : Monitoring
8:30 The revised EMEP Monitoring Strategy - Introduction (Kjetil Torseth)
  GAW/EMEP co-operation
  Site collaboration
9:00 Network overview and identification of joint sites (Joerg Klausen)
gawsis - EMEP network
9:15 An example: Measurement programme in Pallas (Yrjö Viisanen)
9:30 Verification of ozone vertical profiles using radiosonde data (Jan Eiof Jonson)
9:45 Discussion on the measurement activity collaboration between EMEP and GAW, specifically at super sites.
  Quality assurance, quality control and training activities
10:15 Overview of the GAW and EMEP QA/QC activities (Wenche Aas EMEP, Liisa Jalkanen GAW )
10:30 WCC Physical properties of aerosols (Ali Wiedensohler)
10:40 QA/SAC Americas, precipitation chemistry QA/QC (Timothy Coleman)
10:50 Gas calibrations (Joerg Klausen, EMPA/GAW)
11.00 - 11.30 Coffee break
11:30 GAWTEC Training activities (Katja Mannschreck)
11:45 Discussion on QA/QC and training activities.
  Data management
12:00 Data flow arrangements made in the framework of CREATE (Kjetil Tørseth)
12:15 Data management at WDCA (Frank Raes)
12:30 Discussion
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
EMEP Monitoring Strategy
14:00 Requirements for model development and validation (Leonor Tarrason)
14:20 Current monitoring, deficiencies in relation to requirements and associated costs for implementation (Wenche Aas)
14:40 Considerations regarding the temporal resolution and update of the specific requirements (V. Shatalov)
15:00 A review of the current monitoring efforts being made A case study in the Nordic countries (H.C. Hansson)
15:20 Optimising the EMEP monitoring strategy in relation to scientific and cost objectives: a UK perspective (Mark Sutton)
15:40 -16:15 Coffee Break
16:15 Feedback from the countries:
All countries to briefly give an overview on the national situation and possibilities for implementation of the proposed monitoring strategy (max 5 min each).
18:15-19:00 Open discussion on EMEP Monitoring Strategy
Dinner hosted by CHMI
Friday 2 April
9:00 Conclusions from session on monitoring strategy; agreement on strategy to be adopted by EMEP SB
Future work TFMM
10:00 Proposals for TFMM workshop in the Autumn ( Dick Derwent/ Kjetil Torseth)
10:20 Proposals for 2005 TFMM workplan (Dick Derwent)
10:45 -11:30 Coffee Break
Report of the 5th TFMM meeting
11:30 Review of the report
12:30 Closure of the meeting
Saturday 3 April
Visit to Kosetice Observatory until 12:00.
Expected time of return at Hotel Praha 14:00.

Last updated: March 2004 by Anne Hjellbrekke