From: Dick Derwent 
Sent: 14. november 2006 16:06
Subject: TFMM Paris Workshop - Working Groups

Dear Friends and Colleagues


At the forthcoming Paris Workshop, we plan to split into three working Groups for discussions on Thursday 30th November. The aim is to discuss the 9 main questions agreed at the 7th TFMM meeting last spring in Helsinki which will form the Part A of the EMEP/TFMM PM Assessment Report. Laurence Rouil, Sonja Vidic and Jean-Philippe Putaud have agreed to Chair the Working Groups. My preliminary thoughts are to split up up the questions as follows:


Working Group I : Sonja Vidic


Q2. To what extent is PM a transboundary problem?


Q3. How well do we understand the major PM components and their origins?


Q6. How important is regional PM for urban PM levels?


Working Group II: Laurence Rouil


Q7. How well can we link sources to observed PM levels with atmospheric models?


Q8. How large are the uncertainties in PM measurements and model predictions?


Q9. What improvements are required in PM monitoring, modelling and basic scientific understanding for the assessment of the health and climate impacts of PM?


Working Group III: Jean-Philippe Putaud


Q1. Are there significant differences in the PM climate across Europe?


Q4. How important are natural PM sources?


Q5. To what extent do sources outside of Europe contribute to European PM?


I would be grateful if you could have a look at the questions and think about the issues involved in answering them from the viewpoint in your country. Please think about which working group you would like to join. Please bring along with you to the Workshop copies of any reports or papers that you think are important and help to answer these questions.


Please let me know if you have any questions or queries.


All the Best


Dick Derwent