EMEP Particulate Workshop New Orleans 2004

EMEP Workshop on Particulate Matter Measurement & Modeling

April 20-23, 2004, New Orleans, LA

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, Cooperative Program for Monitoring & Evaluation of the Long-Range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe (EMEP), in collaboration with US EPA and Environment Canada, is hosting a 3-and-1/2-day international workshop to bring together experts to review the current trends and state of science in PM measurement and modeling.

To maintain a balanced representation of Scientists from Europe and North America and facilitate a working atmosphere, workshop attendance will be limited and primarily by invitation only. The workshop will include presentations and a poster session.


Taking Stock, Major Insights: What have we learned recently regarding particulate matter and pm measurement and modeling? Where do we stand with measurements; where do we stand with the tools?

Means to Accountability: What do we need to be doing, implementing, or improving regarding measurements and modeling to be able to adequately assess the changing state of the atmosphere and assess the effectiveness of management actions?

Defining Critical Directions and Fruitful Complements: Where are there cost-effective targets of opportunity that can improve approaches to measurements and modeling? What new directions of investigation are considered promising to provide support in the future for decision making?

Leading questions for guiding the discussions


Agenda and Presentations:

TUESDAY, April 20, 2004

Policy Context

Discussion Leader: Robin Dennis

8:00 - 8:30


8:30 - 8:45


8:45 - 9:15

Goals and Needs for PM Monitoring and Modeling in Europe

Juergen Schneider

9:15 - 9:45

Overview of Canada's Air Quality Activities

Peggy Farnsworth

9:45 - 10:15

U.S. Perspective on Particulate Matter and Ozone

Bill Harnett

10:15 - 10:30


Measurement Programs

Discussion Leader: Robin Dennis

10:30 - 10:50

European Monitoring of Particulate Matter at the Local, Regional and Global Scale

Kjetil Torseth

10:50 - 11:10

Ambient Measurement Programs in the United States

Rich Scheffe

11:10 - 11:30

An Overview of Environment Canada's Systematic PM Measurement Programs

Maris Lusis

11:30 - 11:50

The Global Atmosphere Watch Aerosol Programme

Urs Baltensperger

11:50 - 1:00

LUNCH and finish putting up posters

Time-Integrated Sampling

Discussion Leader: Monica Mazurek

1:00 - 1:20

A European Aerosol Phenomenology: Physical and Chemical Characteristics of PM at Various Sites in Europe

Jean-Philippe Putaud

1:20 - 1:40

Getting More Information from Existing PM2.5 Samples

John Watson

1:40 - 2:00

Time-Integrated Particle Measurements: Status in Canada

Jeff Brook

2:00 - 2:20

Work of the United Kingdom Air Quality Expert Group

Roy Harrison (for Pilling)

2:20 - 2:40

A Review of Time-Integrated PM2.5 Monitoring Data in the United States

Ken Demerjian

2:40 - 3:10


3:10 - 3:30

Rationalizing the Differences Between the Thermo-Optical OC/EC Methods

Kochy Fung

3:30 - 3:50

Challenges in Speciation of Organic Aerosols

Barbara Zielinska

3:50 - 4:10

Methods for Measuring Particle Size and Size Distributions

Peter McMurry

4:10 - 4:30

Poster Summaries: Monica Mazurek, Jeff Brook, Mike Mozurkewich, Richard Leaitch

4:30 - 4:45


4:45 - 5:45


5:45 - 6:45


WEDNESDAY, April 21, 2004

(Semi-)Continuous Measurements

Discussion Leader: Jeff Brook

9:00 - 9:20

The Steam Jet Aerosol Collector

Harry ten Brink

9:20 - 9:40

Semi-continuous Measurement of Particulate Matter Sulfate and Nitrate

Jay Turner

9:40 - 10:00

Continuous PM2.5 Measurements in Canada

Tom Dann

10:00 - 10:30


10:30 - 10:50

Measurement of PM2.5 Semivolatile Material with the FDMS Teom Monitor

Delbert Eatough

10:50 - 11:10

Continuous Carbon and NHy Measurements

Eric Edgerton

11:10 - 11:20

Poster Summaries: Jeff Brook, Olga Hogrefe

11:20 - 11:30


11:30 - 12:30


12:30 - 1:30


New Directions

Discussion Leader: Delbert Eatough

1:30 - 1:50

Recent Experiments with the Particle-Into-Liquid Sampler

Rodney Weber

1:50 - 2:10

Urban and Airborne Measurements with a PILS

Richard Leaitch

2:10 - 2:30

Continuous Speciation Monitors for Particulate Matter and Gases

Sandy Dasgupta

2:30 - 3:00


3:00 - 3:20

Aerosol Mass Spectrometry - Application of the Aerodyne AMS in Various Field Studies

Johannes Schneider

3:20 - 3:40

Single Particle Mass Spectrometry

Tony Wexler

3:40 - 4:00

Atmospheric Sub-micron Aerosol Organic: Results from Aerosol Mass Spectrometry

Doug Worsnop

4:00 - 4:10

Poster Summaries: Delbert Eatough, Rainer Vogt, Greg Evans

4:10 - 4:30


4:30 - 5:30


5:30 - 6:30


THURSDAY, April 22, 2004

Emissions-Based Air Quality Models

Discussion Leader: David Allen

8:40 - 9:00

Some Thoughts on the Current Status of Emissions-based PM Air Quality Modeling

Mike Moran

9:00 - 9:20

Modeling SOA, EC and OC in Europe: Comparison with Measurements

David Simpson

9:20 - 9:40

Three-dimensional Modeling of Particulate Matter: Current Performance and Future Prospects

Christian Seigneur

9:40 - 10:00

Simulation of Organic Aerosol Concentrations in Three-dimensional Emissions-based Atmospheric Models

Rob Griffin

10:00 - 10:30


10:30 - 10:50

Modeling Particulate Nitrate and Sulfate in Northwest Europe Using a Lagrangian Dispersion Model

Dick Derwent

10:50 - 11:00

Poster Summaries: Paul Makar, Michael Kleeman

11:00 - 11:15


11:15 - 12:00


12:00 - 1:00


Receptor Air Quality Models

Discussion Leader: David Allen

1:00 - 1:20

Receptor Modeling of Airborne Particulate Matter

Roy Harrison

1:20 - 1:40

Advanced Receptor Modeling for Source Identification and Apportionment

Phil Hopke

1:40 - 2:00

Poster Summaries: Ron Henry, Dave Allen, John Ondov

2:00 - 2:30


2:30 - 3:00


Measurement Needs: AQ Models + Others

Discussion Leader: Keith Puckett

3:00 - 3:20

Measurement Needs for AQ Models

Paul Makar

3:20 - 3:40

Performance of the EMEP Aerosol Model: Current Results and Further Needs

Svetlana Tsyro

3:40 - 4:00

Evaluation of 3-D Regional Particulate Models: Measurement Needs for Inorganic Species

Robin Dennis

4:00 - 4:20


4:20 - 4:40

Measurment Needs for Evaluating Model Calculations of Carbonaceous Aerosol

Prakesh Bhave

4:40 - 5:00

The Aerosols: Air Quality and Climate Project in the European ACCENT Network of Excellence

Kevin Noone

5:00 - 5:05

Poster Summary: Brian Eder

5:05 - 6:00


6:00 - 7:00



FRIDAY, April 23, 2004

Discuss Recommendations for Final Report

8:30 - 9:15

Time-Integrated Measurements

Monica Mazurek

9:15 - 9:45

(Semi-)Continuous Measurements

Jeff Brook

9:45 - 10:00


10:00 - 10:30

New Directions

Delbert Eatough

10:30 - 11:00

Emissions-based AQ Models

Dave Allen

11:00 - 11:20

Receptor Models

Dave Allen

11:20 - 11:30


11:30 - 12:00

Measurement Needs

Keith Puckett
